Whether you are looking for Long Island Website Development, Myrtle Beach Website Development, Portland Website Development or anywhere else, we can provide the best web development services for your business!
Web development is the process of creating a website, and that can mean anything from a simple static page of mainly text to an eCommerce site with thousands of products, web-based apps, and social media services. For business owners, web design services are your key to finding, engaging, and converting your target audience and reaching business goals. Our award winning web development team can help. Call us now to get started or keep reading to learn more about the web development process.
We are a web design agency specializing in creating user-centric UIs (user interfaces) and UXs (user experiences) through detailed IA (information architecture) planning and gathering. Your concept and design requirements are developed by our team with ongoing collaboration from the client. This translates into an intuitive and streamlined UI / UX for your website users and an extremely easy-to-use management console for you.
Information Architecture is our first step in building your user-centered UI / UX. The IA process begins by thoroughly organizing your website needs, visions, and goals for your business. Our web developers then build a sitemap of your information and plan the architecture of your user-facing pages, checkout pages, management console pages, as well as URL / page structures for future SEO / social media marketing.
Primary user actions and click flow paths are developed, calls to action identified, and conversion funnels are built into the sitemap. Once the sitemap is completed, we continue by building wire-frames of your IA into the initial UI / UX pages. These wire-frames facilitate a skeletal structure of your sitemap and allow for building a hierarchy of your future UI and management console. Link strategies and content silos are further developed / refined by our web designers during this phase.
UI, or user interface, encompasses all of the interactive elements that make up the graphical layout of a digital product, service, or eCommerce checkout.
Behind every interaction, visualization, or animation, there are design considerations. Experts in UI design are the architects of this decision-making process.
Page elements must be considered and created, with buttons, sliders, text fields, images, videos, text entry fields, and visual elements optimized. In addition to these more obvious components of web design, there are other micro-interactions that must be considered, like the various technicalities behind interface animations, screen layouts, and page transitions that influence a website users experience (UX).
Design principles are important, but even the best-looking website won’t deliver the results the UI creators envisioned if it doesn't function seamlessly. This is where UX design fits into the website development process.
UX or user experience looks at the human side of an app or website. For instance, how do users navigate through the website - is it natural and intuitive or frustrating and distracting? Do all of the components flow seamlessly together, creating smooth and consistent website navigation, or is the process clunky, confusing, and a challenge to follow?
The UX design step of web development looks closely at how users will interact with your site and whether the website creates a positive user experience. A UX-friendly web page, therefore, is one that provides users with clean and clear functionality with an intuitive, well thought out experience.
When a website's pages navigate logically, users find the exact information they require through minimal clicks, and the overall experience is fluid, efficient, and easy to use.
This translates to ROI for your company. Research shows that 88 percent of shoppers won't return to a website if they have a bad user experience due to poor UI / UX. Other studies report as many as 70 percent of eCommerce businesses fail due to poor usability.
A web site's retention rate hinges on user experience. Getting this right with the best website development team is critical to your business's future success. When your UX is on point, customer retention rates go up, users share their website experience with friends and family, your customer base grows, and lead generation follows. For every $1 spent in the development phase, fixing poor UI / UX after going live can cost as much as $10 -$100 more - not to mention the lost users who won't come back to your website. Even a 10 percent rise in customer retention can translate into increasing your company's value by 30 percent.
When you come to NewSunSEO for web design services, we will make sure you're satisfied with every aspect of your new website and that it features all the elements you will need to make your business a resounding success.
Our web designers start with a consultation. Many website development companies are too interested in making a sale and forget to really listen and invest the time needed to understand your website design project. We roll up our sleeves to really understand your company's operations, challenges, and goals while assessing your business resources, current bottle-necks, and opportunities for greater efficiencies.
From simple Wordpress blogs to fully customized deployments, you've found the web design agency who can get your web development project done. NewSunSEO combines expertise in IA (information architecture), UI / UX (User interface / user experience), website development / design and digital marketing. We strategically align our online marketing and web design talents with your needs, vision, and goals. Not only does your website need to present what your customers are looking for precisely where and when they are looking for it, but your business needs to handle increased website visitors, thus needing to perform with greater efficiency. It makes little sense to triple a company's web traffic if current bottlenecks in processing customer information are not made more efficient as well.
Our methodology and project timeliness set forward a productive, transparent process. Our web design team works with you throughout every phase, from our initial meeting to concept to completion. This assures you receive the best solution and best web design in a very cost effective, efficient, and timely process. Through helping you understand how your visitors are looking for your products and services, we provide you with the best possible web solutions and marketing efforts to convert your visitors into sales, leads, and revenue.
We focus on creating user-centric web interfaces. Our expert team of UI / UX designers and programmers combine best practices with our insightful solutions, providing your websites users, as well as back-end administrative staff, an efficient experience catered directly to your company's unique business goals and brand.
Once the IA stage is completed, the wire-frame is then turned into a design concept. Primary user actions, click flow paths, calls to action and conversion funnels are aligned with visual elements of your future website design. Page content development starts as an outline during this stage.
In addition to web design, NewSunSEO is a full service digital marketing agency. This means we design your site with search optimization / SEO in mind from the beginning. We make sure your web pages are organized and ready for optimized content that will catapult your site to the top of a search engine results page. Web design and marketing services go hand in hand because a prospective client will use a search engine to find you, and both the build of your site and your content have a big impact on SEO.
Websites designed from the beginning for SEO will climb search engines faster - and that means a boost for your business sooner.
As the design process is started, our programming team begins to develop the code that will bring life to the design. We use ONLY best practice methodologies and software in developing your UI and management console. A development site is set up where you are able to view the features and website functions as they are being delivered. This allows us to further ensure the web design process is fully meeting your company's needs, vision, goals. Once testing is completed, we will schedule a time to bring your website live and integrate the internet marketing work, building on the site structure in place.
No matter the complexity of your project, you've found the right team to help you get it done.
More and more, the development of custom applications is becoming the standard for businesses that need to operate more efficiently to remain competitive. Our team of skilled business analysts, online marketing experts, and developers work with you to create the perfect solution for your business.
Utilizing the highest web coding standards and demanding complete customer satisfaction are the keys our to success and proven track record. Our highly experienced and skilled web developers offers over ten years of successful experience in web design. We are masters in customized web development and building fresh design concepts.
You receive a full range of web services with expertise in website design, website maintenance, website redesign, eCommerce web development, and CMS web development.
# Web Technologies #
(HTML 5, HTML, DHTML, XHTML, XML, XSL, XSLT, ASP, ASP.Net, JavaScript, VB Script, PHP)
# Desktop Applications #
(VB.NET, C#, Visual Basic)
# Database #
MS SQL Server 2000 & MS SQL 2005, MS Access and MySQL 4.x/5.x, SqlLite etc.
# Web Server #
Apache, IIS, Windows
We are a full service digital marketing agency and web design company, offering web design and development, search engine optimization (SEO), web hosting services, graphic design services, email marketing, conversion rate optimization, and much more.
Let our web development company help you grow your business. Call us today to get started and learn more about how our SEO techniques and website solutions help our clients achieve their dreams.
NewSunSEO, while offering our services nationwide, currently has locations in these areas:
On Long Island, NY (New York), NewSunSEO offers; Long Island SEO / Local SEO Long Island / Pay Per Click / Long Island Web Design / Long Island Web Development as a full service Internet marketing company providing a full range of digital marketing services to Long Island business owners using leading SEO strategies, which include search engine optimized content marketing. As an award-winning Long Island SEO company, We also offer Local SEO, Web Design and Web Development to small and large businesses throughout Long Island NY, New York, The Tri State area & beyond.
In Myrtle Beach, SC (South Carolina) NewSunSEO offers; Myrtle Beach SEO / Local SEO Myrtle Beach / Pay Per Click / Myrtle Beach Web Design / Myrtle Beach Web Development as a full service Internet marketing company providing a full range of digital marketing services to Myrtle Beach business owners using leading SEO strategies, which include search engine optimized content marketing. As an award-winning Myrtle Beach SEO company, we also offer Local SEO and Web Development to small and large businesses throughout Myrtle Beach SC, South Carolina, The Grand Strand area & beyond.
In Portland, OR (Oregon) NewSunSEO offers; Portland SEO / Portland Local SEO / Pay Per Click / Portland Web Design / Portland Web Development as a full service Internet marketing company providing a full range of digital marketing services to Portland business owners using leading SEO strategies, which include search engine optimized content marketing. As an award-winning Portland SEO company, We also offer Local SEO, Web Design and Web Development to small and large businesses throughout Portland OR, Oregon, The Beaver State surrounding areas & beyond.